

Latest Publications

Praesent lectus leo, convallis id neque nec, ultrices euismod nibh. Sed ac rhoncus quam. Fusce tristique tellus diam, vel porta eros iaculis vitae.


Production manufacture A lot of our new customers are finding out that from an original enquiry to cut product for them we can then also fold and weld products to a completed finish. So think

Han’s F Series 3015 CNC Fibre Laser Cutting Machine

We now have laser cutting technology! Han's F Series 3015 CNC Fibre Laser Cutting Machine - 6KW Fibre Laser Cutting head - Automatic Pallet Changer -Superior Cutting Quality & Reliability -Processing Area 3000mm x 1500mm

Our CNC Laser is ready for your next project

Our CNC Laser is ready for your next project Call us now to discuss your requirements Han's F Series 3015 CNC Fibre Laser Cutting Machine  6KW Fibre Laser Cutting head -  Automatic Pallet Changer Superior Cutting

Our New Laser has Arrived

Our new Flat Bed Fibre Laser is being commissioned as we speak We are incredibly pleased to see our long awaited Laser sitting pride & place at  the front of our workshop. A lot of effort by Derek & the team

In The Press

Praesent lectus leo, convallis id neque nec, ultrices euismod nibh. Sed ac rhoncus quam. Fusce tristique tellus diam, vel porta eros iaculis vitae.

On-Going Research

Praesent lectus leo, convallis id neque nec, ultrices euismod nibh. Sed ac rhoncus quam. Fusce tristique tellus diam, vel porta eros iaculis vitae.


Production manufacture A lot of our new customers are finding out that from an original enquiry to cut product for them we can then also fold and weld products to a completed finish. So think

Han’s F Series 3015 CNC Fibre Laser Cutting Machine

We now have laser cutting technology! Han's F Series 3015 CNC Fibre Laser Cutting Machine - 6KW Fibre Laser Cutting head - Automatic Pallet Changer -Superior Cutting Quality & Reliability -Processing Area 3000mm x 1500mm

Our CNC Laser is ready for your next project

Our CNC Laser is ready for your next project Call us now to discuss your requirements Han's F Series 3015 CNC Fibre Laser Cutting Machine  6KW Fibre Laser Cutting head -  Automatic Pallet Changer Superior Cutting

Our New Laser has Arrived

Our new Flat Bed Fibre Laser is being commissioned as we speak We are incredibly pleased to see our long awaited Laser sitting pride & place at  the front of our workshop. A lot of effort by Derek & the team

Discover The Future

We are a multi-disciplinary laboratory committed to focussed and efficient drug discovery

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